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In the last 24 hours, the slogan ‘All Eyes on Rafah’ has taken over social media platforms such as Instagram, X, and TikTok, garnering over 29 million shares on Instagram alone. This viral trend comes amidst escalating conflict in Gaza, where Israeli tanks have reached the center of Rafah despite international calls for a ceasefire.

The Beginning of ‘All Eyes on Rafah’

The phrase ‘All Eyes on Rafah’ gained traction following a comment by Rick Peeperkorn, director of the World Health Organization’s Office of the Occupied Palestinian Territories. In February, Peeperkorn remarked, “all eyes are on Rafah,” as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered an evacuation plan for the city ahead of an offensive against Hamas. This statement has since been adopted by human rights organizations like Oxfam and Save the Children, turning it into a global call for awareness and action.

Social Media Surge

On Tuesday, the phrase surged in popularity after Bollywood stars, including Alia Bhatt, Priyanka Chopra, and Kareena Kapoor, shared a powerful image on their Instagram Stories. The image, depicting tents arranged to spell out “All Eyes on Rafah,” has resonated globally. The photo, which appears AI-generated, shows an unnaturally symmetrical tent camp, an indication of artificial design. This imagery stands out as it doesn’t directly display the violence but still conveys the urgency and gravity of the situation.

Marc Owen Jones, an associate professor specializing in Middle East studies at Hamad Bin Khalifa University, noted the signs of AI generation in the image, such as unusual shadows and pattern repetition. Despite its artificial nature, the image has sparked significant emotional and social media engagement.

The Situation in Rafah

Rafah, located in southern Gaza near the Egyptian border, has been severely affected by the ongoing conflict. Originally home to about 171,889 people in 2017, the population has swelled to 1.4 million due to displacement caused by the war. The humanitarian crisis in Rafah is dire, with food shortages and widespread displacement.

On Sunday, an Israeli airstrike on a tent camp in Rafah resulted in the deaths of 45 civilians, with many more injured. Eyewitnesses described horrific scenes of charred bodies and severe injuries. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the incident a tragic mistake and promised an investigation.

International Response

The airstrike, one of the deadliest in the ongoing conflict, has drawn widespread condemnation. Sam Rose, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees’ planning director, emphasized the brutality of the attack, particularly its impact on women and children. Germany also condemned the strike, describing the images of the aftermath as unbearable.

The United States, while acknowledging the tragedy, has stated that recent Israeli operations in Rafah do not constitute a major ground offensive that crosses US red lines. US National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby highlighted that the US is closely monitoring the situation and Israel’s investigation into the incident.


The ‘All Eyes on Rafah’ movement underscores the power of social media in raising global awareness about humanitarian crises. As the conflict in Gaza continues, the viral slogan serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing struggles and the urgent need for international attention and action. With high-profile endorsements and widespread social media engagement, ‘All Eyes on Rafah’ is not just a trend but a powerful call for solidarity and change.

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The Israel forces have surrounded Gaza City, cutting off the northern part of the territory from the south. This move comes as the month-long war has already killed more than 9,700 Palestinians and 1,400 Israelis.

The Israeli military has said that the encirclement is necessary to prevent Hamas militants from moving freely between the northern and southern parts of Gaza. However, humanitarian groups have warned that the move will further isolate Gaza City and make it more difficult to deliver aid to the hundreds of thousands of people displaced by the fighting.

The United States has urged Israel to allow for a humanitarian pause in the fighting, but Israel has so far rejected the request. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is currently in the Middle East on a diplomatic mission, has said that he is “deeply concerned” by the situation in Gaza and is working with both sides to reach a ceasefire.

The humanitarian situation in Gaza is dire. More than 1.5 million people have fled their homes since the start of the war, and many are now living in overcrowded shelters with little access to food, water, or medical care. Hospitals are struggling to cope with the influx of casualties, and there is a shortage of essential supplies.

The international community must press Israel and Hamas to agree to a ceasefire and to allow for the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza. The people of Gaza have suffered enough.

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The Israel-Hamas conflict continues to dominate headlines as the situation in the Middle East remains highly volatile. Recent developments have only intensified the ongoing hostilities, bringing significant changes to the dynamics of the conflict. In this blog, we’ll provide a comprehensive overview of the latest updates and their implications.

Ground Offensive and Hamas Rocket Attacks

One of the most significant developments in this conflict is the Israeli ground offensive into the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. Israeli ground forces have pushed deeper into Gaza, conducting targeted strikes and engaging in fighting with HAMAS militants. This marks a shift in Israel’s strategy, as it aims to root out Hamas fighters and dismantle their infrastructure.

In response to the ground offensive, Hamas has intensified its rocket attacks on Israeli cities, causing widespread panic and destruction. The escalation of violence on both sides has raised concerns about civilian casualties and the impact on the civilian population, especially in Gaza, which has been under siege for an extended period.

Global Concerns and Diplomatic Efforts

The Biden administration in the United States has conveyed its concerns to Israel about the ongoing conflict. They have urged Israel to consider the global outcry regarding the aftermath of the war. This includes mounting pressure on Israel to take measures to minimize civilian casualties and collateral damage, particularly in Gaza.

As the conflict shows no signs of abating, international diplomatic efforts have gained momentum. The United States, in collaboration with other countries, continues to work towards a ceasefire agreement that would bring an end to the hostilities. The involvement of key regional and global players underscores the seriousness of the situation and the desire to find a lasting solution.

Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza remains a significant concern. With the Hamas-controlled territory facing intense Israeli military operations, civilians are trapped in a perilous situation. Reports from the HAMAS-controlled Health Ministry indicate a rising death toll, with over 9,000 Palestinians killed, including a large number of children and women.

Access to necessities, medical facilities, and essential services in Gaza has been severely hampered, resulting in a dire situation for the local population. The international community is rallying to provide humanitarian assistance, but the scale of the crisis requires a concerted effort.

Spillover Concerns

The conflict’s impact is not limited to the immediate area; it has broader regional implications. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has voiced concerns about the risk of the Israel-HAMAS war spilling over into the Middle East. They emphasized that the regional temperature is approaching a boiling point, with fears that extremist groups might exploit the situation for their gain.

New Developments on the Ground

Recent military operations have seen the elimination of a key HAMAS commander, Mustafa Dalloul, who played a significant role in managing the fighting against Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip. Israeli airstrikes have targeted HAMAS positions, infrastructure, and weapons caches. On the Israeli side, four more soldiers have been reported killed, bringing the total to 23 since the ground offensive began.

Antony Blinken’s Visit

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to Israel adds another layer of complexity to the situation. His meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior officials are expected to address the conflict and potential diplomatic solutions. The United States continues to play a pivotal role in mediating peace in the region.


The Israel-HAMAS conflict remains a significant global concern, with no immediate resolution in sight. As the violence continues to escalate, international pressure for a ceasefire and a lasting solution is intensifying. The impact of the conflict on civilians, especially in Gaza, highlights the urgent need for humanitarian assistance and diplomatic efforts to bring an end to the hostilities. The situation remains fluid, and the international community is closely monitoring the developments in the region.

Please note that the content presented here is for informational purposes only and does not endorse any particular perspective on the conflict. The situation in the Middle East is complex and evolving, and multiple viewpoints exist.

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Israel tanks have penetrated the Zaytun district on the southern fringes of Gaza City, severing a vital lifeline that connects the north and south of this war-torn territory. The operation comes as part of Israel’s intensified efforts to dismantle Hamas, claiming to have eliminated dozens of operatives in over 600 airstrikes within the past 24 hours.

This development follows a pattern of warning to the 1.1 million residents in northern Gaza, including those in Gaza City, to move southward to evade military strikes. However, despite the departure of many, tens of thousands are believed to remain in the affected areas.

The escalation can be traced back to the October 7 Hamas attacks, which Israeli officials say resulted in the loss of 1,400 lives, the majority of whom were civilians, with 239 individuals taken hostage. The health ministry in Gaza, under Hamas rule, reports that over 8,000 individuals, primarily civilians, and more than half of them children, have been killed in Israeli airstrikes and ground operations.

The Israeli army reports “dozens” of Hamas operatives killed in overnight clashes. These militants were reportedly holed up in buildings and tunnels, launching attacks against the advancing Israeli troops. The Israeli response has targeted various Hamas facilities, including weapons depots, anti-tank missile launch sites, and hideouts, all integral to the Hamas organization.

One particularly significant event unfolded as a fighter jet targeted a building housing over 20 Hamas operatives. Another strike focused on an anti-tank missile launch position near Al-Azhar University, located in the heart of Gaza City.

As this conflict continues to unfold, the world watches with bated breath, hoping for a swift and peaceful resolution to spare the lives of civilians caught in the crossfire.

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Saturday that Israeli forces had unleashed the second phase of the Gaza war as they pressed ground operations against Hamas militants, vowing to “destroy the enemy above ground and below ground.”

Gaza’s besieged people had barely any communications with the outside world as Israeli jets dropped more bombs on the Hamas-ruled Palestinian enclave and military chiefs said a long-threatened ground offensive was gearing up.

Speaking at a press conference in Tel Aviv, Netanyahu warned that the war would be “long and hard” and reiterated Israel’s appeal to Palestinian civilians to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip where Israel was focusing its attack.

He vowed that every effort would be made to rescue the more than 200 hostages held by Hamas.

“This is the second stage of the war whose goals are clear – to destroy Hamas’ governing and military capabilities and to bring the hostages home,” Netanyahu told reporters. “We are only at the start,” he said. “We will destroy the enemy above ground and below ground.”

Israel has blockaded and bombarded Gaza for three weeks after the Islamist group Hamas’ Oct. 7 assault killed 1,400 Israelis in the deadliest day of the nation’s 75-year history.

Western countries have generally backed what they say is Israel’s right to self-defense, but there has been mounting international concern over the toll from the bombing and growing calls for a pause to allow aid to reach Gaza civilians.

Health authorities in the Gaza Strip of 2.3 million people say 7,650 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s campaign to obliterate the militants.

With many buildings reduced to rubble and shelter hard to find, Gazans are short of food, water, fuel, and medicines. Their plight got worse from Friday night when phone and internet services were cut – followed by heavy bombing through the night.

“God help anyone under the rubble,” said one Gaza journalist, who spent a terrifying night in a building stairway watching “belts of fire” as bombs fell and Israeli forces appeared to exchange fire with Palestinian fighters.

Without mobile phones, no one could call ambulances, and emergency services anyway were short of fuel, he said. Desperate people were turning to the police, when they could be found, to use their walkie-talkies to seek help.

Israeli Troops Target Tunnels

Though there was no indication of an invasion en masse, Israel said troops sent into Gaza on Friday night were still in the field, focusing on infrastructure, including the extensive tunnel network built by Hamas.

“We attacked terrorist operatives of all ranks, everywhere,” Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said earlier.

In calling on Gazans to move south, Israel said Hamas was hiding under civilian buildings, especially in the north. Palestinians say nowhere is safe, with bombs also smashing homes in the south of the densely populated territory.

“A humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding in front of our eyes,” U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said.

Various global aid agencies said they could not contact their staff in Gaza. But a representative from the International Committees of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in Gaza got an audio message out.

William Schomburg said medics were working around the clock while also dealing with personal tragedies. “I spoke to one doctor who had lost his brother and cousin the night before,” he told the BBC broadcaster in a clip the ICRC posted on X.

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk offered his Starlink satellite network to support communications in Gaza for internationally recognized aid organizations.

Video from the Israeli side of the heavily fortified fence showed explosions in Gaza sending up clouds of smoke among a line of ruined buildings.

Al Jazeera, which broadcast live satellite TV footage overnight showing frequent blasts, said air strikes had hit areas around the enclave’s main hospital Al Shifa.

Israel had accused Hamas of using the hospital as a shield for tunnels and operational centers, which the group denied.

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Military technology of Israeli forces has released footage of the “Iron Sting” system in action, marking its first operational use. This innovative mortar bomb system is a part of Osratel’s arsenal, designed to enhance precision and minimize collateral damage in densely populated urban environments.

Meticulous and Revolutionary

The “Iron Sting” system hires laser and GPS guidance to deliver precise mortar munitions, making it highly effective in urban warfare scenarios. Developed by Elbit Systems, this dangerous weapon seeks to equip battalions with organic, accurate, and efficient firepower. Its operational first appearance signifies a revolutionary step forward in modern ground warfare.

Meeting Legal and Moral Standards

Importantly, the “Iron Sting” aligns with the Israel Defense Forces’ (IDF) requirements to address threats concealed within civilian urban areas while adhering to legal and moral standards. This advanced system aims to minimize harm to non-combatants while achieving military objectives.

Recent Escalation and Controversy

The deployment of the “Iron Sting” follows a period of heightened tensions in the region, with Israeli airstrikes in response to attacks by Hamas. The conflict has regrettably resulted in civilian casualties, with both sides offering conflicting accounts of events. The IDF maintains that the Al Ahli hospital in Gaza was inadvertently impacted by a barrage of rockets fired by Gaza-based terrorists.

The “Iron Sting” system, underscores the evolving nature of warfare and the ongoing complexities of conflict in the region. Its utilization in urban settings reflects the need for precision and sensitivity to humanitarian concerns in the modern battlefield.

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The Israel-Hamas conflict has raised questions about India’s role in the region and its commitment to maintaining diplomatic balance. In this article, we will explore the impact on India’s trade, its stake in peace, the safety of its nationals in Israel, and the assurance and support from Indian leadership.

Statements from former Ambassador Navtej Sarna, diplomats Anil Trigunayat, Sanjiv Singla, and Israeli Ambassador Naor Gilon.

Let’s explore right through and dissect the implications of this escalating conflict on India’s interests.

Impact on Indian Trade and Geopolitical Goals

Economic Interests and Geopolitical Objectives

The ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict has sparked concerns about the consequences it might have on India’s trade with Iran. India, while pursuing its geopolitical goals in the Gulf, such as ensuring energy security and countering Chinese influence, must now navigate potential setbacks on these fronts.

Chabahar Port Agreement: A Strategic Anchor

Despite the escalating Gulf crisis, India’s strategic interests are anchored in Iran’s Chabahar port. Its accessibility to Afghanistan and Central Asia, coupled with past experiences, suggests that the port deal is likely to withstand the current turmoil.

Humanitarian Consequences and India’s Stake in Peace

Humanitarian Concerns Amidst Conflict

Former Indian diplomat Anil Trigunayat underscores the looming humanitarian catastrophe resulting from the Israel-Hamas conflict. This situation could exacerbate revenge-taking in the Palestinian issue, posing a challenge to India’s commitment to peace.

Diplomatic Constraints on Influence

The complexity of the Israel-Palestine conflict, the ongoing U.S. elections, and the influence of certain lobbies limit any nation’s effectiveness in mediating the situation. This includes the United States, which also faces constraints in leveraging influence over Israel and Palestine.

Safety of Indian Nationals in Israel

Ensuring the Safety of Indian Nationals

Indian government data reveals approximately 18,000 Indian nationals studying and working in Israel. As of now, there are no reports of issues or requests for repatriation. Operation Ajay has already facilitated the return of 230 Indians, with the Indian Navy prepared to assist if necessary.

Assurance and Support from Indian Leadership

A Diplomatic Reassurance

Indian Ambassador to Israel, Sanjiv Singla, calls upon Indians in the country to remain calm and vigilant, assuring them that the embassy is actively working to ensure their safety and welfare. Prime Minister Modi’s expression of solidarity with Israel underscores India’s commitment to the region during these challenging times.

Appreciation for Indian Support

Israel Acknowledges India’s Influence

Israeli Ambassador Naor Gilon acknowledges and appreciates supportive tweets from Prime Minister Modi. India’s influential role in the world is recognized, emphasizing the importance of responsible actions by those who incite conflict. Israel values India’s support but remains committed to handling its challenges independently.

Vigilance and Awareness

Israeli Nationals in India Remain Cautious

The Israeli embassy in New Delhi urges its nationals in India to remain vigilant and aware during these challenging times.


In conclusion, amidst the Israel-Hamas conflict, India’s cautious diplomacy becomes paramount.

How should India balance its economic interests with its commitment to peace in the region?

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