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Full Name: Narendra Damodardas Modi Born: September 17, 1950, in Vadnagar, Gujarat, India

  • Modi was born in a poor family in Vadnagar, Gujarat, in 1950. He joined the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a Hindu nationalist organization, at a young age. He later became a full-time worker for the RSS, and he rose through the ranks of the organization.
  • In 2001, Modi was appointed Chief Minister of Gujarat. He served as Chief Minister for 13 years, during which time he oversaw the state’s rapid economic growth. He also implemented a number of social welfare schemes, such as the Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana (Save the Girl Child, Educate the Girl Child) and the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission).
  • In 2014, Modi led the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to victory in the Lok Sabha elections. He became the Prime Minister of India at the age of 63.
  • As Prime Minister, Modi has launched a number of ambitious initiatives, such as the Make in India program, the Digital India program, and the Smart Cities Mission. He has also worked to strengthen India’s ties with other countries, particularly the United States and other major powers.

Political Career:

  • Narendra Modi is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), a major political party in India, and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a Hindu nationalist organization.
  • He served as the Chief Minister of the Indian state of Gujarat from 2001 to 2014.
  • In May 2014, Narendra Modi was elected as the Prime Minister of India following the BJP’s victory in the general elections.

Prime Ministership:

  • Under Narendra Modi’s leadership, the BJP won a decisive majority in the 2014 and 2019 general elections.
  • As Prime Minister, he initiated several ambitious programs and policies, including “Make in India,” “Digital India,” “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” (Clean India campaign), and “Jan Dhan Yojana” (financial inclusion program).
  • His government implemented the Goods and Services Tax (GST), a major tax reform in India.
  • He has been an advocate for renewable energy and launched initiatives like the International Solar Alliance.
  • Narendra Modi has represented India on the international stage, participating in various global forums and meetings.

Narendra Modi has been a polarizing figure in Indian politics, with both strong supporters and vocal critics. His leadership has had a significant impact on India’s domestic and foreign policies.

Highlights about Modi’s successfully completed projects accomplishments:

  • Launches Ambitious New Infrastructure Projects
  • Unveils New Plan to Create Jobs and Boost the Economy
  • Takes Strong Stance on Terrorism
  • Promotes Hinduism Religious and Sanatan Dharma
  • Strengthens India’s Ties with the United States and Other World Powers
  • Leads India to Become a Global Leader in Renewable Energy
  • Various Projects for Women’s Empowerment and Education
  • Improves India’s Ranking in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index
  • Reduces Poverty and Inequality in India
  • Improves India’s Infrastructure and Healthcare System
  • Promotes Indian Culture and Heritage Abroad
  • Wins Second Term as Prime Minister in Landslide Victory

Prime minister Shri. Narendra Modi’s future vision of India and World

Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi’s future vision of India and the world is one of peace, prosperity, and sustainability. He has spoken about the importance of India becoming a global leader in these areas, and he has launched a number of initiatives to make this vision a reality.

In India, Modi’s vision is to create a country where everyone has the opportunity to succeed. He has focused on improving infrastructure, education, and healthcare, and he has also launched a number of programs to empower women and marginalized groups. Modi has also spoken about the importance of preserving India’s rich culture and heritage.

On the world stage, Modi has positioned India as a champion of multilateralism and free trade. He has also worked to strengthen India’s ties with other countries, particularly the United States and other major powers. Modi has also been a vocal advocate for climate action and sustainable development.

Here are some specific examples of Modi’s vision for India and the world:

  • India as a global leader in renewable energy: Modi has set ambitious goals for India to become a global leader in renewable energy production and use. He has also launched a number of initiatives to promote the adoption of renewable energy technologies, both in India and abroad.
  • India as a hub for innovation and technology: Modi wants to make India a global hub for innovation and technology. He has launched a number of initiatives to promote research and development, and he has also worked to create a more supportive environment for startups and entrepreneurs.
  • India as a force for good in the world: Modi believes that India has a unique role to play as a force for good in the world. He has spoken about the importance of promoting peace, prosperity, and sustainable development around the globe.

Modi’s vision for India and the world is ambitious, but it is also achievable. India is a young and dynamic country with a growing population and a strong economy. Modi is a popular and charismatic leader who has the ability to inspire and unite people. If India can continue to grow and develop at its current pace, it has the potential to become a global superpower in the years to come.

In addition to the above, Modi has also spoken about the following aspects of his vision for India and the world:

  • A world without poverty and hunger: Modi has said that he wants to see a world where everyone has access to the basic necessities of life, such as food, water, and shelter. He has also spoken about the importance of empowering women and marginalized groups to lift themselves out of poverty.
  • A world free from conflict and terrorism: Modi has said that he wants to see a world free from conflict and terrorism. He has also spoken about the importance of promoting peace and understanding between different cultures and religions.
  • A world that is sustainable and environmentally friendly: Modi has said that he wants to see a world that is sustainable and environmentally friendly. He has spoken about the importance of combating climate change and protecting the environment.

Modi’s vision for India and the world is a bold one, but it is also one that is shared by many people around the globe. It is a vision of a world that is more peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable for everyone.

Under Modi’s Presidency, the G20 Summit was successfully organized in Delhi in September 2023. The summit was attended by leaders from all 19 G20 member countries, as well as representatives from the European Union and other guest countries.

The summit was a major success for India, both domestically and internationally. It was the first time that India had hosted the G20, and it was a major opportunity for the country to showcase its economic and diplomatic prowess. The summit was also a success in terms of its outcomes, with leaders reaching agreement on a number of important issues, including climate change, global health, and trade.

One of the key achievements of the summit was the adoption of the New Delhi Declaration, which outlined a number of commitments made by G20 leaders on a range of issues. The declaration included commitments to:

  • Accelerate action on climate change: G20 leaders committed to working towards the goals of the Paris Agreement, and to providing financial and technical support to developing countries to help them mitigate and adapt to climate change.
  • Strengthen global health: G20 leaders committed to working together to improve global health security and to address the challenges posed by pandemics and other infectious diseases.
  • Promote sustainable and inclusive growth: G20 leaders committed to working together to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth, and to reduce poverty and inequality.

The summit also saw a number of bilateral and plurilateral meetings between leaders, which helped to strengthen ties between countries and to promote cooperation on a range of issues.

Overall, the G20 Summit in Delhi was a major success for India and for the global community. It was a significant opportunity for India to showcase its leadership on the world stage, and it resulted in a number of important commitments from G20 leaders on a range of key issues.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Dream Projects:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has a number of ambitious dream projects that he hopes to achieve during his time in office. These projects are aimed at transforming India into a global superpower and improving the lives of all Indians.

Some of Modi’s most important dream projects include:

  • Make in India: The Make in India program is aimed at making India a global manufacturing hub. The program offers a number of incentives to foreign companies to invest in India and to set up manufacturing facilities in the country.
  • Digital India: The Digital India program is aimed at making India a leader in the digital economy. The program focuses on increasing internet penetration, promoting digital literacy, and developing e-governance initiatives.
  • Smart Cities: The Smart Cities Mission is aimed at developing 100 smart cities in India. Smart cities are designed to be technologically advanced and sustainable, and they offer a high quality of life for their residents.
  • Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, also known as the Clean India Mission, is a nationwide campaign to improve sanitation and hygiene in India. The campaign aims to make India open defecation free by 2024.
  • Gati Shakti National Master Plan: The Gati Shakti National Master Plan is a comprehensive infrastructure development plan that aims to improve connectivity and logistics in India. The plan will invest in a variety of infrastructure projects, including roads, railways, airports, and ports.

These are just a few of Modi’s most important dream projects. He also has a number of other ambitious plans for India, such as doubling farmers’ incomes, providing housing for all, and developing renewable energy sources.

Modi’s dream projects are ambitious, but they are also achievable. India is a young and dynamic country with a growing population and a strong economy. Modi is a popular and charismatic leader who has the ability to inspire and unite people. If India can continue to grow and develop at its current pace, it has the potential to become a global superpower in the years to come.

Indian youth icon Shri. Narendra Modi

Narendra Modi is a popular and charismatic leader who is considered a youth icon in India. He is known for his energy, his vision, and his commitment to transforming India into a global superpower.

Modi is a popular figure among Indian youth. He is seen as a leader who is willing to challenge the status quo and make India a better place. He is also admired for his humble background and his rise to success.

Here are some of the reasons why Narendra Modi is considered a youth icon in India:

  • He is a young and dynamic leader who is seen as a change agent.
  • He has a clear vision for India and is committed to transforming the country into a global superpower.
  • He is known for his energy, his determination, and his work ethic.
  • He is seen as a clean and honest leader who is not afraid to take tough decisions.
  • He is connected to the youth and understands their aspirations.

Modi is an inspiration to many young Indians. He shows them that anything is possible if they work hard and have a dream.

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman held their inaugural Leaders’ Meeting of the Strategic Partnership Council in Delhi on Monday, marking a significant step in strengthening bilateral relations between India and Saudi Arabia. The leaders engaged in extensive discussions encompassing various areas of cooperation, including energy security, trade and investment, defence, security, healthcare, and food security.

The meeting laid the groundwork for several key agreements, with a particular focus on energy and agriculture, signifying the commitment of both nations to enhance their economic collaboration. The Saudi Crown Prince’s visit to India, which coincided with the G20 Summit, further solidified the burgeoning economic ties between the two countries. In the fiscal year 2022-23, bilateral trade reached an all-time high of $52.75 billion, underscoring the significance of their economic partnership.

The visit also saw the launch of a substantial railway and port project, in collaboration with several countries, including India. This ambitious endeavour aims to streamline the flow of commerce, energy, and data from India across the Middle East to Europe, presenting significant opportunities for economic growth and connectivity.

The Strategic Partnership Council, established in 2019, serves as a pivotal mechanism for enhancing cooperation across diverse domains, including political, security, social, cultural, economic, and investment cooperation. The Leaders’ Meeting, co-chaired by PM Modi and the Saudi Crown Prince, underscores the commitment to elevate this partnership to new heights, fostering deeper collaboration and understanding between the two nations.

The visit also featured ceremonial aspects, including a warm welcome extended to the Saudi Crown Prince at the Rashtrapati Bhavan, highlighting the importance of diplomatic ties. Both leaders expressed optimism about the future of their bilateral relations and their shared commitment to creating a prosperous future for both nations.

As India and Saudi Arabia continue to build upon their strong economic partnership and strategic cooperation, this meeting signifies a pivotal moment in their relationship, setting the stage for further collaboration and mutual benefit on regional and international matters of concern to both countries.

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India Passes G20 Leadership Baton to Brazil The 18th G20 Summit successfully concluded in New Delhi on September 10, 2023, marking a pivotal moment as India formally handed over the Presidency to Brazil. The closing ceremony witnessed Prime Minister Narendra Modi passing the ceremonial gavel to Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva. Confidence in Brazil’s Leadership During his speech at the ceremony, Prime Minister Modi expressed confidence in Brazil’s ability to lead the G20 forum and achieve common goals. He also put forward a proposal for a virtual G20 session in late November to review the progress made during this Summit. Warm Welcome to the African Union President Lula Da Silva, upon receiving the gavel, warmly appreciated India’s leadership in the G20 Presidency. He acknowledged India’s role in representing issues vital to emerging economies and extended a warm welcome to the African Union as a full member of the group. Key Global Issues Addressed In the Summit’s third session titled “One Future,” Prime Minister Modi addressed several critical global issues. He emphasized the urgent need for reforms in the United Nations Security Council, advocating for a new global structure. Additionally, he highlighted the importance of expanding the mandate of Multilateral Development Banks and establishing global standards for regulating cryptocurrencies. Modi urged member nations to collaborate on initiatives such as the Green Development Pact, Action Plan on Sustainable Development Goals, and Digital Public Infrastructure. Pathbreaking Initiatives Under India’s Leadership During the G20 Summit, India, under Prime Minister Modi’s leadership, introduced groundbreaking initiatives and decisions. Key highlights included the inclusion of the African Union in the G20, the launch of the Global Biofuel Alliance to promote biofuel usage through international cooperation, and the initiation of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor and Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment. These initiatives aim to foster economic integration between India, West Asia, and Europe, fostering sustainable global connectivity and development. Human-Centric Approach and Emphasis on Technology Prime Minister Modi also underscored the importance of adopting a human-centric approach to solving long-standing problems and highlighted the pivotal role of technology in development. He cited the example of digital public infrastructure as a powerful catalyst for progress. Unanimous Adoption of G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration India’s G20 Presidency successfully achieved consensus among member nations on critical issues, as reflected in the unanimously adopted G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration. This landmark document underscores India’s growing global influence. Showcasing India’s Cultural Legacy and Soft Power Beyond its diplomatic and leadership role, the G20 Summit showcased India’s rich cultural legacy and soft power. The theme of “Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam,” the venue named “Bharat Mandapam,” and cultural symbols such as the Natraj statue and Konark Chakra prominently featured in the event. Iconic Konark Sun Temple Wheel Takes Center Stage The iconic Konark Sun Temple wheel took center stage, serving as the backdrop for Prime Minister Modi’s interactions with delegates. He explained its significance to many state heads, highlighting India’s cultural heritage. Celebrating Democracy and Yoga A picture gallery at Mandapam showcased India’s rich heritage and history of democracy, emphasizing its role as the “mother of democracy.” The event also featured poses of Yoga depicted on walls, celebrating India’s contributions to wellness and spirituality. Rich Musical Heritage and Craftsmanship

A musical evening featuring Indian classical and folk music, along with rare instruments, presented the rich legacy of the country. Khadi, a symbol of Indian heritage, adorned the necks of world leaders at Rajghat. Handicrafts and special items from different Indian states were major attractions among the delegates.

Global Appeal of Indian Attire

Notably, the spouse of the PM of Japan chose to wear a Sari to attend the State dinner party, exemplifying the global appeal of Indian attire.

The 18th G20 Summit marked a testament to India’s global influence, diplomatic prowess, and vibrant cultural heritage. It sets the stage for continued international cooperation and progress.

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The Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII) is a new initiative launched by the United States and other G20 countries to mobilize private and public investment in infrastructure projects in developing countries. The IMEC is an economic corridor that connects India, the Middle East, and Europe. It is a key part of the PGII initiative.

The PGII aims to mobilize $2 trillion in investment in infrastructure projects over the next five years. The projects will focus on areas such as clean energy, transportation, water, and digital infrastructure. The IMEC is expected to be a major beneficiary of the PGII initiative.

The IMEC is a proposed network of roads, railways, pipelines, and other infrastructure that would connect India, the Middle East, and Europe. It would be a major boost to trade and investment between these regions. The IMEC is expected to cost around $1 trillion to build.

The PGII and the IMEC are both important initiatives that have the potential to make a significant impact on the global economy. They could help to promote economic growth, create jobs, and improve the lives of millions of people.

Here are some of the key benefits of the PGII and the IMEC:

  • They could help to bridge the infrastructure gap in developing countries.
  • They could promote economic growth and job creation.
  • They could improve the lives of millions of people.
  • They could help to reduce poverty and inequality.
  • They could make the world a more interconnected and prosperous place.

The PGII and the IMEC are still in their early stages, but they have the potential to be major game-changers. They could help to shape the global economy for decades to come.

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In a remarkable development, the African Union has been officially accepted as a permanent member of the G20 on the 9th of September 2023. The announcement came as the first session of the G20 Summit commenced in New Delhi, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi extending a warm invitation to the Head of the African Union, Azali Assoumani, to take his seat among the G20’s permanent members. This landmark decision follows India’s proposal for the African Union to be granted permanent membership within the G20, aligning with the principle of “Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas,” emphasizing inclusivity and development for all.
Honourable Prime Minister Modi, in his address during the first session titled ‘One Earth,’ highlighted India’s G20 presidency as a symbol of comprehensiveness, resonating not only within the nation but globally. He emphasized that this G20 represents the people’s collective objectives, with millions of Indians actively engaged in the process.
The Prime Minister called upon the world to join forces in transforming the prevailing global trust deficit into one of trust and reliance. He emphasized the need for collective action in addressing critical issues such as food and fuel management, terrorism, cybersecurity, health, energy, and water security. Modi stressed that the 21st century is a crucial era for ushering in new solutions to age-old problems, promoting a human-centric approach, and fulfilling global responsibilities.
Modi also expressed condolences for the loss of lives resulting from an earthquake in Morocco, extending India’s readiness to provide any necessary assistance to the affected country.
The G20 Summit’s first day featured two key sessions, ‘One Earth’ and ‘One Family,’ along with several expected bilateral meetings with nations such as the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, and Italy. Prime Minister Modi hosted a working lunch, while President Droupadi Murmu will host a state dinner for visiting dignitaries. President Murmu extended a warm welcome to all G20 member delegations, guest countries, and international organizations participating in the summit.
India’s G20 Presidency theme, ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam – One Earth, One Family, One Future,’ sets a global roadmap for sustainable, inclusive, and human-centric development, aiming to create a better future for all. President Murmu expressed her best wishes for the success of the summit’s participants in realizing this vision.
This significant step of including the African Union as a permanent member underscores the G20’s commitment to fostering cooperation and global development, heralding a new era of inclusive decision-making on the world stage.

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As the countdown to the G20 Summit 2023 in New Delhi continues, preparations are in full swing, with the Indian government leaving no stone unturned to ensure the event’s success. With nearly 40 world leaders and dignitaries expected to attend this high-profile international gathering at the newly constructed ‘Bharat Mandapam’ in Pragati Maidan, a comprehensive list of Union ministers assigned to welcome these global guests has been unveiled.

In a recent cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Narendra Modi provided vital guidance to his ministers, emphasizing the importance of hosting this prestigious event and ensuring that visiting dignitaries have a seamless experience. Here are the key highlights of the preparations and the list of ministers designated to receive world leaders:

Security in the National Capital:
The national capital is currently under tight security ahead of the G20 Summit, which is scheduled for this weekend. The event venue, ‘Bharat Mandapam’ in Pragati Maidan, has been fortified to guarantee the safety and security of all attendees.

Ministerial Assignments:
A select group of Union ministers has been entrusted with the responsibility of welcoming world leaders as they arrive in India. The list, revealed by news agency ANI, outlines the ministers assigned to specific dignitaries:

US President Joe Biden: Minister of State for Civil Aviation VK Singh will extend a warm welcome to President Biden, who is expected to arrive at 6.55 pm (tentative time) on Friday.

UK PM Rishi Sunak: Minister of State for Consumer Affairs Ashwini Kumar Choubey will receive Prime Minister Sunak as he lands in Delhi at 1.40 pm.

Japan PM Fumio Kishida: Minister Choubey will also welcome Prime Minister Kishida, who is scheduled to arrive in India by 2.15 pm.

Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina: Minister of State for Railways Darshana Jardosh will receive Prime Minister Hasina, who is set to reach New Delhi at 12.30 pm on Friday.

Italy PM Giorgia Meloni: Minister of State for Agriculture Shobha Karadlaje will welcome Prime Minister Meloni, who is expected to arrive in Delhi at 6.20 am on Friday.

China’s Premier Li Qiang: Minister VK Singh will receive Premier Li Qiang, representing Chinese President Xi Jinping. Li Qiang is anticipated to reach the national capital at 7.45 pm on Friday.

Australian PM Anthony Albanese: Minister of State for Electronics and Information Technology Rajeev Chandrasekhar will extend greetings to Prime Minister Albanese, arriving at 6.15 pm on Friday.

French President Emmanuel Macron: Minister of State for Commerce and Industry Anupriya Patel will welcome President Macron, who is scheduled to arrive in New Delhi at 12.35 pm on Saturday.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz: Minister of State for MSME Bhanu Pratap Singh Verma will receive Chancellor Scholz, arriving at 8 am on Saturday.

UAE President HH Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan: Minister of State for Home Affairs Nityanand Rai will extend a warm welcome to President Al Nahyan as he arrives in the national capital at 8 pm on Friday.

Tech and Translation Assistance:
In line with modern technology, Prime Minister Modi encouraged his ministers to utilize the G20 India mobile app during interactions with foreign dignitaries. The app boasts an instant translation feature that covers all Indian languages and those of G20 nations, making communication smoother and more accessible.

As the world eagerly anticipates the G20 Summit in New Delhi, India is poised to showcase its hospitality, diplomacy, and commitment to addressing pressing global issues during this prestigious international event. The Union ministers assigned to receive world leaders will play a crucial role in setting the tone for constructive discussions and collaborations that will shape the future.

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In a revolutionary departure from tradition, the G20 Summit 2023 is established to redefine the global diplomatic landscape as it organizes in the vibrant and historically rich city of New Delhi on September 9-10 2023. With the theme ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam — One Earth, One Family, One Future,’ this year’s summit is not just about policies and politics but also a profound reflection on humanity’s place in the cosmos.

It is Held at the Bharat Mandapam, which lies in the shades of the majestic India Gate, the stage is set for leaders of the world’s most influential nations to involve in deep, philosophical discussions inspired by ancient Sanskrit wisdom. The theme transcends borders, emphasizing the interconnection of all life forms on Earth and their place in the universe.

India’s presidency signifies not just a geographical shift but a philosophical one, as the country assumes leadership in an era where the line between geopolitics and spirituality blurs. The choice of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ as the summit’s guiding principle reflects India’s aspiration to bridge the gap between political power and spiritual wisdom, highlighting the importance of values and ethics in global governance.

The G20 presidency selection process, often obscured by diplomatic intricacies, underscores the intricate dance of international diplomacy. With India at the helm, it’s an opportunity for a nation known for its diversity to bring together the diverse voices of the G20 nations.

In the absence of a permanent secretariat, India’s role in organizing the summit goes further than logistics. It signifies a commitment to fostering a more inclusive and sustainable world. As the world watches, New Delhi will not only host discussions on economics and geopolitics but will also serve as the hope for global unity amongst us, environmental responsibility, and moral governance.

In a world tackling with unprecedented challenges, from climate change to pandemics, the G20 Summit 2023 in New Delhi carries the promise of a fresh perspective — one that transcends politics, embracing the spirit of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ as a guiding light towards a better future for all.

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As the G20 Summit approaches, Delhi is bustling with preparations to welcome world leaders for the event on September 9 and 10. Anticipating the participation of around 29 heads of state, along with senior officials from the European Union, representatives from guest countries, and leaders from 14 international organizations, the city has designated more than 30 hotels across Delhi-NCR to accommodate the dignitaries.

Notably, United States President Joe Biden is expected to stay at the ITC Maurya Sheraton. Comprehensive security arrangements are in place, including Secret Service commandos stationed on each floor and a specialized elevator reserved for President Biden’s use, taking him directly to his room on the 14th floor. Approximately 400 rooms at the hotel have been secured for President Biden and his accompanying staff.

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s residence for the summit will be the Taj Palace Hotel, while UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will be hosted at the Shangri-La Hotel. French President Emmanuel Macron has chosen the Claridges Hotel, and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will be accommodated at the Imperial Hotel.

The summit will witness various delegations spread across different hotels. The Turkish group will find their lodgings at the Oberoi Hotel, while representatives from Mauritius, Netherlands, Nigeria, and Spain will be situated at Le Meridien. Both the Chinese and Brazilian groups will be hosted at the Taj Palace Hotel, and the Indonesian and Australian teams will be housed at the Imperial Hotel. Delegates from the UK and Germany will stay at the Shangri-La Hotel.

The Hyatt Regency has been selected to accommodate the Italian and Singaporean teams, while the US group will be lodged at the Maurya Sheraton. The Lodhi Hotel will be the base for the Omani delegation, the Claridges Hotel will host the French team, and the Grand Hyatt in Gurugram will provide accommodations for the Bangladesh group. The Lalit Hotel will cater to both the Canadian and Japanese delegations, and the Oberoi Gurugram will house the Korean delegation. The Egyptian delegation will be situated at the ITC Sheraton in Saket, the Leela Hotel in Gurugram will be the residence for the Saudi Arabian delegation, and the UAE delegation will be hosted at the Taj Mahal Hotel in Delhi.

The participating hotels in Delhi include ITC Maurya, Taj Mansingh, Taj Palace, Hotel Oberoi, Hotel Lalit, The Lodhi, Le Meridien, Hyatt Regency, Shangri-La, Leela Palace, Hotel Ashoka, Eros Hotel, The Surya, Radisson Blu Plaza, JW Marriott, Sheraton, The Leela Ambience Convention, Hotel Pullman, Rosette Hotel, and The Imperial.

In the National Capital Region (NCR), accommodations for attendees will be provided at The Vivanta in Surajkund, ITC Grand in Gurugram, Taj City Centre in Gurugram, Hyatt Regency in Gurugram, The Oberoi in Gurugram, WestINN in Gurugram, and Crown Plaza in Greater Noida.

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New Delhi, August 29, 2023 – Russian President Vladimir Putin engaged in a productive phone call with India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, conveying his regretful inability to attend the upcoming G20 Summit in New Delhi. During the conversation, the two leaders discussed a range of bilateral cooperation matters and shared perspectives on mutual regional and global concerns, including insights from the recent BRICS Summit in Johannesburg.

In his communication, President Putin expressed his regrets about not being able to personally attend the G20 Summit scheduled for September 9-10, 2023. Instead, he confirmed that Russia will be represented by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Prime Minister Modi responded with understanding and appreciation for Russia’s continued support of India’s initiatives as the host of the G20 Presidency.

Both leaders reaffirmed their commitment to ongoing communication and collaboration. The telephone conversation took place in light of recent reports indicating President Putin’s decision not to personally participate in the G20 summit due to a “busy schedule” and a continued focus on Russia’s “special military operation” in Ukraine.

The G20 summit, anticipated to be one of India’s largest gatherings of world leaders, is set to take place in New Delhi on September 9 and 10. India assumed the G20 Presidency from Indonesia on December 1, 2022.

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed the president’s absence, stating that Putin’s participation format will be determined in due course. President Putin’s remote participation in this week’s BRICS summit in Johannesburg was noted, with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov representing him at the event.

President Putin’s decision aligns with his prior non-participation in global summits due to international considerations. In light of the arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in March, his absence from the G20 Summit in Bali last year and the recent BRICS summit in Johannesburg underscores his cautious approach.

As the G20 Summit approaches, global leaders will convene in New Delhi to address critical global issues and collaboratively chart a path forward.

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