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Joe Biden

Washington D.C., July 21 — In a surprising political move, U.S. President Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race, paving the way for Vice President Kamala Harris to become the Democratic candidate of choice. Although it remains unclear whether other senior Democrats will challenge Harris for the party’s nomination, Biden has endorsed her as the preferred candidate.

The India Connection

Kamala Harris, who made history in 2020 as the first Indian-American and African-American woman to become Vice President, now aims to achieve another milestone by running for President. If she secures the Democratic nomination, Harris will be seeking to become the first Indian-American and African-American woman to hold the highest office in the United States.

Harris’s Indian roots trace back to her mother, Shyamala Gopalan Harris, a cancer researcher and civil rights activist from Tamil Nadu. Raised by her single mother, Harris often speaks about the significant influence her Indian heritage has had on her life and values.

Family Ties and Cultural Roots

Kamala Harris’s maternal uncle, Gopalan Balachandran, a former consultant at the Institute of Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA) in Delhi, and her grandfather, P.V. Gopalan, who worked on refugee rehabilitation in India and later served as an advisor to the Zambian President, have both contributed to her deep connection with India. Her grandfather’s wife, Rajam, was also known for her social work.

Harris’s visits to Chennai, where she immersed her mother’s ashes in the sea according to Hindu traditions, and her fond memories of walks with her grandfather discussing Indian freedom fighters, highlight her strong ties to her Indian heritage.

Celebrating Indian Culture

During her vice-presidential campaign in 2020, Harris often reminisced about her mother’s love for good idli, an Indian dish, and even participated in cooking masala dosas with Indian-origin actor Mindy Kaling. These moments underscored her pride in her Indian roots and her desire to honor her heritage.

A Celebrated Victory

Harris’s ancestral village of Thulasendrapuram in Tamil Nadu celebrated her 2020 victory alongside Biden with traditional festivities, including bursting crackers, distributing sweets, and drawing colorful kolams. Special pujas were performed at the Sri Dharma Sastha Temple to thank the deity for answering their prayers for her success.

As Kamala Harris steps into the spotlight as a potential presidential candidate, her journey reflects a blend of rich cultural heritage and a commitment to public service, drawing inspiration from both her Indian and American identities.

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President Joe Biden Cites Jet Lag for Subpar Debate Performance

US President Joe Biden has attributed his less-than-stellar debate performance against former President Donald Trump to jet lag from his recent international travels. Addressing a fundraiser, Biden acknowledged the criticism and took responsibility for his faltering delivery during the highly anticipated debate.

“It’s not an excuse, but an explanation,” Biden said, reflecting on his performance. “I wasn’t very smart for traveling around the world a couple of times… shortly before the debate. I didn’t listen to my staff, and then I almost fell asleep on stage.”

A Grueling Travel Schedule

In the two weeks leading up to the debate, Biden embarked on an extensive travel itinerary that included trips to France, Italy, and multiple stops back in the United States. Despite the physically demanding schedule, he took only a few days to rest at his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, before the debate. Observers noted that the President appeared fatigued and sluggish during this period.

Struggles on the Debate Stage

The debate, marking the first-ever confrontation between a sitting president and a former president, was a high-stakes event. Biden, known for his gaffes, appeared to struggle while responding to Trump’s aggressive attacks. Trump, in his usual bombastic style, criticized Biden’s handling of the economy and foreign policy, labeling him a failure. Biden attempted to counter these accusations, but his delivery was hesitant, his voice often trailing off, and he stumbled over his words multiple times.

The 81-year-old President’s performance has intensified calls from within the Democratic Party for him to reconsider his bid for a second term. Critics argue that his age and the demands of the presidency may be too much, prompting discussions about the need for “soul-searching” within the party.

Reactions and Defense

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre acknowledged the challenging debate performance, calling it “a bad night” but emphasized Biden’s resilience. “He knows how to come back from adversity,” she said, expressing confidence in the President’s ability to recover from the setback.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also came to Biden’s defense, suggesting that the President’s overall record and achievements since taking office should be the focus, rather than a single night’s performance. “People around the world are looking at what Biden has done since coming into office, not just one night, and they appreciate his policies,” Blinken remarked.

Future Implications

Biden’s candid admission about his travel-induced fatigue and its impact on his debate performance has opened up a broader conversation about his fitness for the rigorous demands of the presidency. As the election season heats up, both his supporters and critics will be closely watching how he manages his schedule and public appearances.

The President’s remarks and the subsequent fallout highlight the intense scrutiny on his capability to lead, especially given his age. With the stakes higher than ever, Biden’s ability to navigate these challenges will be crucial in shaping his political future and the direction of the Democratic Party.

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The first 2024 presidential debate between President Joe Biden and his Republican rival, Donald Trump, saw a heated exchange on several key issues. After-debate polls indicate Trump as the winner of the debate. Here’s why experts think that Trump trumped over Biden.

For 90 minutes on Thursday night, CNN hosted the first presidential debate between former Republican President Donald Trump, 78, and Democratic President Joe Biden, 81. The debate featured sharp exchanges on inflation, immigration, abortion rights, and foreign policy. In the televised debate, the candidates aimed to persuade voters ahead of the upcoming election on November 5.

Polls and Public Opinion

A CNN poll aired immediately after the debate showed a decisive tilt in favor of Trump, with 67% of viewers believing he won the debate, compared to 33% who thought Biden performed better. This was a significant shift from the final 2020 presidential debate, where 53% of viewers felt Biden won, compared to 39% who favored Trump. Many viewers expressed concerns over Biden’s coherence and ability to lead the country effectively.

Key Points from the Debate

The debate enforced strict speaking limits, prohibited notes, and took place without an audience to ensure no reactions. Despite these constraints, the candidates sparred vigorously on key topics:

  • Inflation: Trump criticized Biden’s handling of the economy, blaming him for rising inflation and high living costs. Biden defended his administration’s economic policies, citing job creation and recovery efforts.
  • Immigration: The debate saw fierce exchanges on immigration policies, with Trump advocating for stricter border controls while Biden emphasized a more humane approach to immigration reform.
  • Abortion Rights: Trump reiterated his pro-life stance, while Biden supported women’s right to choose, emphasizing the importance of protecting reproductive rights.
  • Foreign Policy: Both candidates clashed over foreign policy, with Trump criticizing Biden’s handling of international relations and military engagements. Biden, on the other hand, highlighted his efforts to rebuild alliances and promote global stability.

Media and Expert Reactions

The New York Times declared Trump the winner, with columnist Josh Barro stating, “Joe Biden failed at his key task: showing voters he’s still cut out for the presidency. In the first 20 minutes, he was especially disastrous: mumbling, at times incoherent, and seeming really, really old. Trump seemed more normal than usual — enough for a clear win.”

Michelle Goldberg, a columnist and contributor for The New York Times, commented, “Trump, God help us. He spouted a fire hose of preposterous lies, but Biden was too incoherent to capitalize on any of it. Biden looked ancient and sounded lost. There will now be a new chorus of cries for him to drop out, and I’ll be joining it.”

On X (formerly Twitter), observers noted Trump’s strong performance and thorough answers, contrasting with Biden’s perceived confusion during the debate. Alyssa Farah Griffin, a CNN political commentator, wrote, “CNN Flash poll: 57% of viewers of tonight’s debate have NO confidence in Biden’s ability to lead the country. Stunning number from voters who witnessed his performance with their own eyes.”

Former CNN commentator Chris Cillizza added, “Look. This debate was a total and complete disaster for Biden. He looked old. His answers trailed off repeatedly. He was hard to understand. He would stop mid-sentence and move on to something else. I NEVER thought he would be this bad. Stunning. Truly.”

Biden Camp’s Defense

Biden’s team countered claims that he lost the debate, with Vice President Kamala Harris telling CNN, “It was a slow start but a strong finish,” reported Fox News. First Lady Jill Biden praised the president on stage after the debate, saying, “Joe, you did such a good job! You answered every question and knew all the facts.”

Several Democratic Party leaders, however, expressed deep concern over Biden’s performance in the debate. Jay Surdukowski, an attorney and Democratic activist from New Hampshire, told Politico, “Biden is toast – calling it now.”


Though this is the first of the presidential debates and Biden has chances of springing back, the results for now stand at Trump: 1 and Biden: 0. As the election season progresses, the upcoming debates will be crucial in shaping voter opinions and determining the ultimate victor in November.

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San Francisco, United States In an unscripted moment at a public fundraising event in California, President Joe Biden candidly referred to his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, as a “crazy SOB.” The remark, caught by a small group of reporters, adds to the string of strong language used by Biden to characterize Putin, whom he has previously labeled a “butcher” and a “war criminal.”

During the event, Biden emphasized the pressing issue of climate change as an existential threat to humanity, noting that despite concerns about nuclear conflict with leaders like Putin, the global focus should prioritize addressing environmental challenges.

This is not the first time President Biden’s candid remarks have made headlines. In January 2022, he was caught in a hot mic slip using strong language to describe a Fox News journalist as a “son of a bitch.”

The latest verbal jab at Putin comes ahead of the announcement of a new package of stringent sanctions against Russia on Friday, following the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny in prison. Biden has been vocal in condemning Russia’s actions, and the sanctions are expected to escalate tensions between the two nations.

In addition to addressing Russia, Biden took a swipe at his presumed election rival, Donald Trump, criticizing him for drawing parallels between his legal issues and the plight of Navalny. The President highlighted the surreal nature of such comparisons, stating that if he had made similar remarks a decade ago, people would have questioned his sanity.

As diplomatic relations continue to strain, Biden’s candid comments provide insight into the intensifying geopolitical landscape and the challenges faced by the United States in its dealings with Russia.

Note: The President’s remarks were made in a spontaneous moment at a fundraising event and may not reflect official diplomatic language.

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In a series of recent posts on his social media site X, Elon Musk joined the discourse on the US government’s financial aid package to Ukraine. Musk expressed support for a ceasefire in the Russia-Ukraine war and suggested redirecting funds towards American infrastructure projects.

In response to various user opinions on venture capital founder David Sacks’ thread, Musk emphasized that a peace deal should have been reached earlier, lamenting the loss of lives and the weakening position of Ukraine. Agreeing with a user’s suggestion to allocate $60 billion to US infrastructure, Musk envisioned projects like a high-speed rail from LaGuardia to midtown.

This isn’t the first time Musk has shared such sentiments. In a recent X Spaces forum with US Republican senators, he stated that there was “no way in hell” that Russian President Vladimir Putin could lose the war in Ukraine. Musk, who has a personal stake in the conflict easing off due to its impact on his Starlink satellite venture, criticized the spending bill for another country over bills directly benefiting the US.

During the forum, Musk agreed with Ron Johnson’s statement that those expecting a Ukraine victory were “living in a fantasy world.” He expressed skepticism about Ukraine’s ability to win the war, and his comments align with doubts about seeking Putin’s ouster. Musk emphasized the importance of stopping the deaths on both sides and highlighted the impact of his companies, such as SpaceX’s provision of Starlink internet service to Ukraine.

Musk’s views contrast with US President Joe Biden and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, who argue that aiding Ukraine’s defense is in America’s interests. While Biden and lawmakers urge the House to consider a $95.34 billion military aid package for Ukraine and allies, Musk emphasizes stopping the conflict’s human toll and questions the wisdom of seeking regime change in Russia.

Musk’s participation in the discourse reflects the broader debate over allocating funds to international crises versus domestic priorities, contributing his perspective on the ongoing conflict and potential infrastructure investments in the US.

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During the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO summit in San Francisco, President Joe Biden reiterated the United States’ dedication to fortifying the semiconductor supply chain, emphasizing collaborative efforts with pivotal nations such as India.

In his address, President Biden underscored the significance of working in tandem with India, along with Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Singapore, to bolster the critical semiconductor industry. He announced the launch of new initiatives designed to shape technologies and standards, driving transformative advancements in the semiconductor sector.

The commitment to strengthen collaboration with India had earlier materialized in March of this year when both nations signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the semiconductor supply chain and innovation partnership. The agreement was formalized during the India-USA Commercial Dialogue, which was re-launched with a strategic outlook, focusing on supply chain resiliency, diversification, and emerging areas. This marked a crucial step forward in fostering technological cooperation between the two countries.

India holds the position of the ninth largest trading partner for the United States, while reciprocally, the U.S. is India’s largest trading partner and the primary destination for exports, as highlighted by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. This reaffirms the strength and significance of the economic ties between the two nations.

The emphasis on collaborative efforts with key nations aligns with the global recognition of the critical role semiconductors play in various technological domains. By fostering partnerships and driving initiatives, the United States, alongside India and other strategic allies, aims to fortify the semiconductor industry, ensuring resilience, innovation, and shared advancements in this vital sector. As the semiconductor landscape continues to evolve, these collaborative measures are poised to shape the future of technology on a global scale.

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As the spectre of a US government shutdown looms, the world holds its breath. This isn’t just a domestic showdown; it’s a global game-changer. Let’s dive into how a government shutdown could make waves in foreign policy, shaking the very foundations of diplomacy, international relations, and national security.

Shutdown Shockwaves:

Picture this: key players in foreign policy and national security, are furloughed or working without pay. Chaos, right? A shutdown would disrupt vital work, stalling US foreign policy initiatives and weakening the nation’s global impact.

Global Reputation on the Line:

In an era of global diplomacy, credibility is everything. With the Biden administration rallying allies to counter China, a shutdown could bruise America’s reputation. Can the US lead when it can’t keep its own lights on?

Diplomatic Dilemmas:

Embassies and consulates worldwide stay open, but key activities like official travel and speeches might take a hit. Diplomatic engagements, essential for global stability, could be thrown off course.

Aid in Jeopardy:

Foreign aid programs hang in the balance. Health initiatives tackling malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV-AIDS could see delays. Security assistance might stumble when it’s needed most.

Local Staff Legal Limbo:

The Department of State pledges to pay local staff, but it’s not that simple. Local employment laws often ban furloughs or unpaid work. Legal battles might add chaos to the mix.

Military Continues, Civilians Suffer:

The military soldiers on, but nearly half of the Pentagon’s civilian workforce could face furloughs. Efficiency takes a hit, and it’s a tough blow for these dedicated workers.


A US government shutdown isn’t just a bureaucratic headache; it’s a diplomatic earthquake. It could shake America’s global role, leaving allies and rivals wondering: can the US lead when it can’t even fund itself?

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As the countdown to the G20 Summit 2023 in New Delhi continues, preparations are in full swing, with the Indian government leaving no stone unturned to ensure the event’s success. With nearly 40 world leaders and dignitaries expected to attend this high-profile international gathering at the newly constructed ‘Bharat Mandapam’ in Pragati Maidan, a comprehensive list of Union ministers assigned to welcome these global guests has been unveiled.

In a recent cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Narendra Modi provided vital guidance to his ministers, emphasizing the importance of hosting this prestigious event and ensuring that visiting dignitaries have a seamless experience. Here are the key highlights of the preparations and the list of ministers designated to receive world leaders:

Security in the National Capital:
The national capital is currently under tight security ahead of the G20 Summit, which is scheduled for this weekend. The event venue, ‘Bharat Mandapam’ in Pragati Maidan, has been fortified to guarantee the safety and security of all attendees.

Ministerial Assignments:
A select group of Union ministers has been entrusted with the responsibility of welcoming world leaders as they arrive in India. The list, revealed by news agency ANI, outlines the ministers assigned to specific dignitaries:

US President Joe Biden: Minister of State for Civil Aviation VK Singh will extend a warm welcome to President Biden, who is expected to arrive at 6.55 pm (tentative time) on Friday.

UK PM Rishi Sunak: Minister of State for Consumer Affairs Ashwini Kumar Choubey will receive Prime Minister Sunak as he lands in Delhi at 1.40 pm.

Japan PM Fumio Kishida: Minister Choubey will also welcome Prime Minister Kishida, who is scheduled to arrive in India by 2.15 pm.

Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina: Minister of State for Railways Darshana Jardosh will receive Prime Minister Hasina, who is set to reach New Delhi at 12.30 pm on Friday.

Italy PM Giorgia Meloni: Minister of State for Agriculture Shobha Karadlaje will welcome Prime Minister Meloni, who is expected to arrive in Delhi at 6.20 am on Friday.

China’s Premier Li Qiang: Minister VK Singh will receive Premier Li Qiang, representing Chinese President Xi Jinping. Li Qiang is anticipated to reach the national capital at 7.45 pm on Friday.

Australian PM Anthony Albanese: Minister of State for Electronics and Information Technology Rajeev Chandrasekhar will extend greetings to Prime Minister Albanese, arriving at 6.15 pm on Friday.

French President Emmanuel Macron: Minister of State for Commerce and Industry Anupriya Patel will welcome President Macron, who is scheduled to arrive in New Delhi at 12.35 pm on Saturday.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz: Minister of State for MSME Bhanu Pratap Singh Verma will receive Chancellor Scholz, arriving at 8 am on Saturday.

UAE President HH Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan: Minister of State for Home Affairs Nityanand Rai will extend a warm welcome to President Al Nahyan as he arrives in the national capital at 8 pm on Friday.

Tech and Translation Assistance:
In line with modern technology, Prime Minister Modi encouraged his ministers to utilize the G20 India mobile app during interactions with foreign dignitaries. The app boasts an instant translation feature that covers all Indian languages and those of G20 nations, making communication smoother and more accessible.

As the world eagerly anticipates the G20 Summit in New Delhi, India is poised to showcase its hospitality, diplomacy, and commitment to addressing pressing global issues during this prestigious international event. The Union ministers assigned to receive world leaders will play a crucial role in setting the tone for constructive discussions and collaborations that will shape the future.

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In a revolutionary departure from tradition, the G20 Summit 2023 is established to redefine the global diplomatic landscape as it organizes in the vibrant and historically rich city of New Delhi on September 9-10 2023. With the theme ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam — One Earth, One Family, One Future,’ this year’s summit is not just about policies and politics but also a profound reflection on humanity’s place in the cosmos.

It is Held at the Bharat Mandapam, which lies in the shades of the majestic India Gate, the stage is set for leaders of the world’s most influential nations to involve in deep, philosophical discussions inspired by ancient Sanskrit wisdom. The theme transcends borders, emphasizing the interconnection of all life forms on Earth and their place in the universe.

India’s presidency signifies not just a geographical shift but a philosophical one, as the country assumes leadership in an era where the line between geopolitics and spirituality blurs. The choice of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ as the summit’s guiding principle reflects India’s aspiration to bridge the gap between political power and spiritual wisdom, highlighting the importance of values and ethics in global governance.

The G20 presidency selection process, often obscured by diplomatic intricacies, underscores the intricate dance of international diplomacy. With India at the helm, it’s an opportunity for a nation known for its diversity to bring together the diverse voices of the G20 nations.

In the absence of a permanent secretariat, India’s role in organizing the summit goes further than logistics. It signifies a commitment to fostering a more inclusive and sustainable world. As the world watches, New Delhi will not only host discussions on economics and geopolitics but will also serve as the hope for global unity amongst us, environmental responsibility, and moral governance.

In a world tackling with unprecedented challenges, from climate change to pandemics, the G20 Summit 2023 in New Delhi carries the promise of a fresh perspective — one that transcends politics, embracing the spirit of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ as a guiding light towards a better future for all.

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As the G20 Summit approaches, Delhi is bustling with preparations to welcome world leaders for the event on September 9 and 10. Anticipating the participation of around 29 heads of state, along with senior officials from the European Union, representatives from guest countries, and leaders from 14 international organizations, the city has designated more than 30 hotels across Delhi-NCR to accommodate the dignitaries.

Notably, United States President Joe Biden is expected to stay at the ITC Maurya Sheraton. Comprehensive security arrangements are in place, including Secret Service commandos stationed on each floor and a specialized elevator reserved for President Biden’s use, taking him directly to his room on the 14th floor. Approximately 400 rooms at the hotel have been secured for President Biden and his accompanying staff.

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s residence for the summit will be the Taj Palace Hotel, while UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will be hosted at the Shangri-La Hotel. French President Emmanuel Macron has chosen the Claridges Hotel, and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will be accommodated at the Imperial Hotel.

The summit will witness various delegations spread across different hotels. The Turkish group will find their lodgings at the Oberoi Hotel, while representatives from Mauritius, Netherlands, Nigeria, and Spain will be situated at Le Meridien. Both the Chinese and Brazilian groups will be hosted at the Taj Palace Hotel, and the Indonesian and Australian teams will be housed at the Imperial Hotel. Delegates from the UK and Germany will stay at the Shangri-La Hotel.

The Hyatt Regency has been selected to accommodate the Italian and Singaporean teams, while the US group will be lodged at the Maurya Sheraton. The Lodhi Hotel will be the base for the Omani delegation, the Claridges Hotel will host the French team, and the Grand Hyatt in Gurugram will provide accommodations for the Bangladesh group. The Lalit Hotel will cater to both the Canadian and Japanese delegations, and the Oberoi Gurugram will house the Korean delegation. The Egyptian delegation will be situated at the ITC Sheraton in Saket, the Leela Hotel in Gurugram will be the residence for the Saudi Arabian delegation, and the UAE delegation will be hosted at the Taj Mahal Hotel in Delhi.

The participating hotels in Delhi include ITC Maurya, Taj Mansingh, Taj Palace, Hotel Oberoi, Hotel Lalit, The Lodhi, Le Meridien, Hyatt Regency, Shangri-La, Leela Palace, Hotel Ashoka, Eros Hotel, The Surya, Radisson Blu Plaza, JW Marriott, Sheraton, The Leela Ambience Convention, Hotel Pullman, Rosette Hotel, and The Imperial.

In the National Capital Region (NCR), accommodations for attendees will be provided at The Vivanta in Surajkund, ITC Grand in Gurugram, Taj City Centre in Gurugram, Hyatt Regency in Gurugram, The Oberoi in Gurugram, WestINN in Gurugram, and Crown Plaza in Greater Noida.

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